Define your buyer personas

What is a buyer persona?

Creating one or more buyer personas is essential for a brand to better understand its prospects. This allows for specific and effective target marketing, which is a vital step in marketing strategy.

Creating a “buyer persona” involves developing an imaginary representation of the company’s ideal customer. This representation can be refined by determining several factors, such as personal information, tastes, needs, purchasing habits, motivations and barriers to purchasing.

Understanding who you are targeting with your advertising is essential to the success of your campaign.

Regardless of the type of digital strategy you use, marketing targeting is an important element.

You must first understand your target audience before setting up social media advertising campaigns, sharing content, sending emails or publishing blog posts for your strategy. All these web marketing actions must be well planned in order to benefit your business.

Having an understanding of your brand personas allows you to deliver the right message to the right person, at the right time and in the perfect place. This will help attract (future) customers!

Buyer personas are a way to facilitate collaboration between teams. They provide a common vision of customers and allow companies to focus on the coherence of their marketing and sales strategies.

Building your buyer personas

Our digital strategy experts help you determine and adapt your personas, in order to perfect your marketing strategy.

Let’s start with a survey and analysis phase, which consists of studying the market, interviewing consumers, monitoring the web and collecting marketing data.
Then, we will build detailed profiles of your personas, which include their gender, age, socio-professional category, their needs and their expectations.
Finally, our marketing team will determine which media and types of content are best suited to reach and attract your targets. We can also help you implement your